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Speaker Information

Thank you for agreeing to speak at the 2025 European QA Virtual Conference this May. Please find some details below to help in your preparations for the event.

Registering for the event

In order to register yourself onto the event please book here (click 'Book Now') completing all your details. Once you get to the 'checkout' section just enter 2025VirtualSpeaker into the discount code box and you will be able to book for free. 

Preparing your slides

Please find a  PowerPoint template  for the event here. 

Please allow 5 minutes per 30 minutes for Q&A. i.e. a 30 minute presentation will be 25 + 5mins.

If you have any polls in your presentation or discussion, please let us know when submitting your slides to us so we can upload them into the platform.

Please email us your presentation which will be used as a backup by the 12th May. You will be in charge of operating your slides on the day unless otherwise agreed.

The conference

We will email all speakers details of the event platform ahead of your sessions. We are also going to be running some Question Time sessions at the end of each day which we'd love speakers to stay around for and participate in. These are sessions where delegates can ask questions about their learning from the conference and network with other delegates. This session is run on the event platform using Slido by the RQA office. 

Promoting the conference

We have produced the below social media asset for you to share with your followers on LinkedIn etc.

Please use #RQA2025 when sharing this and also this URL: https://www.therqa.com/learn-develop-connect/courses-and-events/conferences/2025-european-qa-virtual-conference

More details on how to join the event will follow in due course.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on conferences@therqa.com

Virtual Event Platform